Nuclear Physics

I never mind about the little things.

Friday, September 23, 2005

With a nod to Rita... the Weekly Acronym Challenge

Great entries this week, and here are my thoughts… first of all, just because the root word is BACON, doesn’t mean you have to like it or eat it. Although, I think I could live on only Bacon and Mountain Dew. Anyway, I enjoyed VegasGustan’s “Bush Always Causes Overt Negligence” and Annabanana’s “Be a cock or nothing”. I liked Grend31’s adverby “Ballerinas Are Charmingly Overly Nimble”, but the award this week goes to Paula again for her oh-so-true “Beowolf Always Cooks Outrageous Nummies”. Trust me, Beowolf's nummies are tasty!

So the new results are:

Week 8: Paula for BACON
Week 7: Paula for SMILE
Week 6: Dewdew for GROSS
Week 5: Paula for ANGER
Week 4: Beowo1= for HOMER (DOH!)
Week 3: VegasGustan for EARTH
Week 2: Thérèse for WATER
Week 1: Grend31 for FIRED

This week’s challenge word is: STORM

Thanks for playing, and good luck!


  • At September 23, 2005 1:12 PM, Blogger dewdew said…

    Sore Testicles Obtained Running Marathons
    Skin Torpedo Observed Ramming Mound
    Silky Tits Oiled Regularly Mondays
    Soft Tissue Only Rips Menacingly
    Sperm: Tiny Organisms, Result: Maternity
    Some Teens Occasionally Ride Men

  • At September 23, 2005 2:01 PM, Blogger Thérèse said…

    (Dewdew, I totally knew that, I just reacted without thinking. I was gonna add again later, but never got 'round to it. Just sayin'.)

    Systematic Testing Omits Random Musings
    Silly Twits Own Real Money
    Say, That's Onerous. Really, Man.
    Severly Thick Organs Rip Many
    Sexy Tom Or Rack Mandy?
    Spectacularly Terrific Orgasms Rally Many

  • At September 23, 2005 2:12 PM, Blogger dewdew said…

    Oh, no problem. I don't want people to temper their comments.


  • At September 23, 2005 2:30 PM, Blogger Grend31 said…

    The Good

    Scientific Truth Only Really Matters

    Significant Tangents Only Rarely Mislead

    Stumbling Terminates Once Revelation Materializes

    Silver Threads Overflow Raining Magic

    Spire Towers Over Rich Meadow

    Sweet Tang Of Ripe Mango

    The Bad

    Slick Tits Osculate Rigid Member

    Slurping Tongue Overtly Reaches Maw

    Succulent Taste Orally Roused Milady

    Savage Throbbing Organ Reared Mightily

    Stubborn Tight Opening Resisted Manhood

    Sucking Tenderly Often Reveals Muse

    Squirming Tightens Outlandish Restraints Markedly

    Splattering Thick Off-white Roasting Manchowder

    Saliva Tantilizingly Oozed 'Round Mouth

    Swedish Team Orgasmically Rubbed Muffs

    And the Ugly

    Shit Tasted Of Raw Meat

    Screwing Tarts Owning Racked Melons

    Squatting To Outflow Repressed Muck

    Sweat Trickled Over Rectum Messily

  • At September 23, 2005 4:08 PM, Blogger dewdew said…

    Swedish Team... nice.

  • At September 24, 2005 4:30 PM, Blogger Ryon said…

    I demand a recount from last week! C'mon most of don't know Beowolf and will never tast the nummies. I want justice! Justice!

    Atica! Atica! Atica! Atica!

    Oh, sorry....

    I'll post some later.

  • At September 25, 2005 10:54 AM, Blogger Ryon said…

    I just read all of Grend's...

    I bow before his greatness. However, I will put a couple down so I feel good about myself.

    Storms Take Over Rich 'Merica.

    Stupid Tomatoes Oughta Rot Monday.

    Spoiled Tuna Often Reaks Madly.

    Stars Twinkle Over Rugged Mountains.

    Strippers Take Over Randy Men.

    Soiled Tampons Overpower Rotten Meat. (That is just disgusting.)

    Snoopy Took Off 'Round Midnight.

    Special Toots Oily Rectum Music.

    Sagging Tits Only Require Mending.

    Sometimes Teabagging Occasionaly Renders Motionlessness.

  • At September 27, 2005 5:22 PM, Blogger gapey said…

    Sucking Toes Or Rimming Mood
    Sucking Tobacco Only Reeks Much

  • At September 29, 2005 10:28 AM, Blogger dewdew said…

    Beo, with your nummies, WE ALL WIN!!



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