Nuclear Physics

I never mind about the little things.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Math Quizzine

Okay folks, here's the first (and maybe last) in my series of math quizzines. I will make up a problem, and you solve it. I'll start with an easy one:

What number is twice as big as (half of its square root) cubed. Parenthesis added to show the order of operations.

Please show your work.


  • At May 10, 2005 5:26 PM, Blogger Grend31 said…

    Holy crap am I bad with the math.

    I just spend about half an hour doodling trying to figure this out.

    And I can't!

    I know I'm looking at something like:

    _ 3

    And I know it's a good idea to try to get a number on one side of the equation, but dividing by N seems like a really bad idea.

  • At May 10, 2005 5:27 PM, Blogger Grend31 said…

    oooo.. holy crap blogger messed that up... move the _ 3 over on top the (|N) and the (2) under the same.

  • At May 10, 2005 8:50 PM, Blogger MooCow said…


    square root = 4
    half of that = 2
    2 cubed = 8
    8 x 2 = 16

    What do I win?

  • At May 11, 2005 8:16 AM, Blogger Grend31 said…

    You win a big wet sloppy one from me.

  • At May 11, 2005 10:03 AM, Blogger dewdew said…

    Correct, MooCow. And that WAS the prize... a big sloppy wet one from Grend31. (If he wins, he has to do himself)

    Here's the proof (or my version at least):

    X = 2 (√X/2)^3
    X/2 = (√X/2)^3
    X/2 = (√X)^3/(2)^3
    X = (√X)^3/4
    4 = (√X)^3/X
    4 = (√X)^3/(√X)^2
    4 = √X
    X = 16


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