Dear Republican Voter:
You've been tricked! George scammed you into voting for him. HOW? By making you think that he cares about you. He doesn't. By convincing you that he cares about unborn babies. He doesn't. By scamming you into thinking that we needed to go to war. We didn't. By lying to you when he says that he won't raise taxes. Okay, he didn't. But, he gave HUGE tax breaks to corporations that don't need them and has mortgaged our country into so much debt that your children and your children's children will have to pay the enormous bill. How? By paying higher taxes! You've been duped... hoodwinked... fooled... conned... used like a piece of toilet paper.
George doesn't care about you or about unborn babies. If he did, he would put programs in place to care for them. All george cares about is oil and profits for his corporate buddies. He USED YOU to get elected so that he could push his own agenda.
Thanks, and have a nice country.
George doesn't care about you or about unborn babies. If he did, he would put programs in place to care for them. All george cares about is oil and profits for his corporate buddies. He USED YOU to get elected so that he could push his own agenda.
Thanks, and have a nice country.
At October 04, 2005 12:16 PM,
Grend31 said…
All objectivity at the highest level of our government has been lost. But I can't throw stones. Because if I was king, I'd make you the kingdom's chief headsman. I've seen you cut wood, and I think you'd do a good job.
Oh, and the GOP will probably be quite happy with Georgies Supreme Court nominations in regards to abortion. Roe vs. Wade is just waiting to be overturned. I'm hoping the Republicans get their party back from the Neocons before that happens, but I doubt it.
I can't really complain though. I like to see people with huge SUVs suffer from gas prices. I haven't had any children, friends or family crippled or killed in this pointless Iraqi excursion. And I wasn't planning on much world travel in my life anyway, as we are probably more reviled than ever now.
I think it's about disassociation at this point for Republicans. Think about it. Imagine that you are a Republican whose child has died overseas and you voted this idiot into office. You had a hand in killing your own child. For a pointless venture. So instead of owning up to that fact, you chant jingoistic nonsense and wave the flag, because your personal psyche can't handle the fact that you killed your own child by proxy. You voted for a greedy sneering little rich boy who is playing Wargames for Oilmoney.
People may say it's for freedom and the like, but typically countries become free when they are ready to become free. We did it way back when. It wasn't handed to us, we earned it. With our own blood, sweat and tears. We didn't have a foreign sovereign nation handing it to us on a taxpayer-paid platter.
At October 04, 2005 1:26 PM,
Ryon said…
Well said both of you. Well said.
At October 08, 2005 1:29 AM,
Ryon said…
This post was great and all trully, but I need to know If I won.
So, let's stop sucking each others dick and get done to brass taxes...How much for the monkey?
1000 points to the first person who gets the two movies thos quotes were taken form an tweaked....
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