Nuclear Physics

I never mind about the little things.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

TIme for a new challenge

Not too many entries for SNIFF, but some good ones indeed! The award this week goes to VegasGustan for “Since 'Nam I'm Fucking Fruitloops”… sad, but occasionally true. Oh, I had one more: Spam: Nasty, Icky, Frightening, Food?

The hall of champions:

Week 13: VegasGustan for SNIFF
Week 12: Grend31 for GIRLS
Week 11: MooCow for UNDER
Week 10: VegasGustan for PANTS
Week 9: Grend31 for STORM
Week 8: Paula for BACON
Week 7: Paula for SMILE
Week 6: Dewdew for GROSS
Week 5: Paula for ANGER
Week 4: Beowo1= for HOMER (DOH!)
Week 3: VegasGustan for EARTH
Week 2: Thérèse for WATER
Week 1: Grend31 for FIRED

This week’s challenge word is: WOMEN

Have fun!

Wide Open Mouth Engulfed Nads
We Only Masturbate Entirely Nude
Wax On My Erect Nipples
Wandering Over Mountains Eating Nothing
Wide Oval Motorway Entertains: Nascar
Wild Orgy Means Everyone's Naked


  • At November 12, 2005 11:38 AM, Blogger Ryon said…

    Your "teabagging" one is going to be tuff to top. I will be back with mine.

  • At November 15, 2005 5:03 PM, Blogger Thérèse said…

    What!? "Only Men Endure Neuroses"?
    We Often Meditate. Especially Nude.
    Weary Omnivores May Erect Negligence
    Warning: Oliver Met Emily Naked.
    When One Makes Enough News...

    Wanted: One Magnificiantly Endowed Ninja.
    Why Omit Multiple Expectant Nymphs?
    Wanting Orgasms, Many Eventually Nag.
    Who? "Only Men"? "Envy"?! Never!!
    Women Only Marry Endowed Neurologists.

    Waking One May Encourage Nineteen.
    Woo. Oh Man. Eh. Nurrrgh.
    Walls Often Mean Eventual No.
    Wasps! Ow! Merde! Eugene! Non!
    Well, One More Echo's Needed.

  • At November 16, 2005 8:20 AM, Blogger Grend31 said…

    Warty Onerous Malignant Evildoer Nailed

    Whenever Orally Masturbated: Eventual Neckaches

    Waiting On Menses, Erotic Needs

    Wanton Orgies Mean Eternal Nookie

    Witticisms Only Make Esoteric Noise

  • At November 19, 2005 3:33 PM, Blogger Ryon said…

    Taking the week off this week, got too much going on. Be back next weekend with avengence!

  • At December 02, 2005 1:37 PM, Blogger gapey said…

    No one has won yet? Guess I'll post some while I have the chance.

    Wet Orgy Means Everyone's Naked
    Who Only Masturbates Every Night?

    that's all I got for today.


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