Nuclear Physics

I never mind about the little things.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Friday Acronym Challenge!

I’ve decided to steal the acronym challenge, mostly because I miss it so. Vulgarity, profanity and slanderous language are all encouraged and there are no rules. What I’m looking for is clever word play… just like clever foreplay, only less slippery. Each week a person will be selected as the winner.

This week’s word is (with a nod to The Donald): FIRED

And here are my initial entries:

Friday Is Really Every Day
Forget Independent Republicans, Exclaim Democrats
Frodo Incinerating Ring Eventual Destiny
Finger Inserted Rectally Enhances Desire
Filbert Imagines Ravenously Eating Doughnuts

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Uncle Dewdew

I was already an uncle, but only through marriage. Not to diminish the importance of my other nieces and nephews... my wife has plenty of brothers and sisters and most of them have spawned... however, my brother and his wife had a baby boy last night. He is 9 pounds, 5 ounces and full of dark hair (on his head), and we are very excited for them.

He hasn’t been named yet, but I’m hoping against “brother Jr.” or “dewdew”. One of me is bad enough.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Time for the Monday Math Quiz!

Here's what's on the menu for the Monday Math Quizzine:

How many randomly selected people have to be in a room before it's more likely than not that two of them share the same birth date. (day and month)

In other words, when are the odds of two people in the room having the same birthday greater than 50-50. The number may surprise you! Assume 365 days per year, ignoring February 29th. (my apologies to you leap-year babies out there)

Thanks and have fun!

(Hint: It's less than 182 people)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Post-Holiday Math Quiz

Well, folks it's time for yet another brain teaser. Here's your question:

You were 24 years old when your daughter was born, and a few years later you had a son. Now, your age is presently twice your daughter's age and you are three times your son's age. How old were you when your son was born?

Bonus questions: How old will you be when your age equals the combined ages of your children? What is the approximate surface temperature of the sun?

Good luck, and have fun!